If They Don’t Play This Song At My Funeral – I’m Not Going

I find the song so beautiful in its simplicity. It's delicate, like a breeze or butterfly wings. Written in a minor key, it feels immediately like it wants to be sad, but it's not sad. It's hopeful and optimistic and, for me, reminiscent of things that are good in this world.
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Lisa Sabin-Wilson piano
Lisa Sabin-Wilson piano

If They Don’t Play This Song At My Funeral – I’m Not Going

I find the song so beautiful in its simplicity. It’s delicate, like a breeze or butterfly wings. Written in a minor key, it feels immediately like it wants to be sad, but it’s not sad. It’s hopeful and optimistic and, for me, reminiscent of things that are good in this world.

Free pile of open books

2023 Book Challenge

I joined the 2023 Reading Challenge at GoodReads and set a goal for 23 books in 2023.

Summer 2021 Reading List

My summer reading list for 2021 has 5 books on it, not sure which I will crack open first, but if you need me, I’ll be in the garden reading.

Why Data Portability is Important

The Importance of Data Portability

Your data, your code, your progress belongs to you – you have worked too hard, and, in a lot of cases, paid too much money to allow a company to own your hard earned progress. Don’t get locked in by a company who does not have your best interests at heart.

COO, What is a COO, Chief Operating Officer, Operations, Digital Services

Operating in Operations

As the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at WebDevStudios, I’m often asked about my role and how Operations get defined in a digital services company. Recently, I have engaged in conversations that made me realize that everyone has different perspectives on what defines Operations in a business, and even whether or not a company needs a COO as part of the C-Suite, executive team.

Pain Makes People Desperate

Pain desperation is a thing. Pain is an epidemic in this country, as much as opioids are. Chronic pain sufferers cannot get the pain relief they so desperately need. More and more, I ask the question: What’s worse? Addiction or pain. I don’t have the answers.

Lisa Sabin-Wilson Brain Dumping

When I Get Overwhelmed, I Take a Dump. A Brain Dump.

Begin at the beginning…. solve those first big steps and a plan begins to take place, things begin to take shape and pretty soon, relief. Here are some methods that I find most effective when faced with some insurmountable task that contains a million different pieces, and I would love if you would share yours. My mind is always open to different ways of getting from the beginning to the end.

I am a failure at meditation – or so I thought.

Staying focused and resilient is hard – especially for business owners and people who live stress-filled lives. A trained and disciplined mind allows me to be methodical and clear in my business practice, and present and thoughtful in my personal life. I just don’t meditate the way all the experts say I should. I have my own methods and my own way that works for me.

20 books in 2020

Bookworm. 20 in 20

I don’t often make a lot of new year resolutions – but I have made one for 2020 and it’s a personal one of reading 20 books. That goal is not a stretch for me, but I want to be realistic. Life sometimes gets in the way of being able to sit in a comfy chair and get lost in a good book.

Blog, Lisa Sabin-Wilson

Five Years Ago

Half a decade ago, I took this website down with the intention to cull some of the archives – – keep items I thought were important to me and lose the rest, and then redesign it and relaunch it. I never got back around to it. I mean, I tried a few times. I pulled a backup and transferred it to my new hosting account and started weeding out the crap that I wrote on my blog since 2001. I always got stalled and distracted by other things.

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