Still sick with the flu. Nothing to report except lot of feverish sleep, sick stomach and other various and sundry other symptoms that shall go unmentioned. I’m miserable and whiney and have forgotten, in two short days, what good health feels like.
Leave a comment here. Tell me good, healthy stories!
Awww. You poor little thingy. I’m so sorry you feel bad. Here’s a great big Internet hug for you. (HUG)
I can’t tell you any healthy stories. I hab a code.
Here. Have come. ~o)
SLEEP! Get a lot of sleep! Jope you are on the mend.:)>-
also, I do hope they are babying you at home. Please tell me they are!
Remember, starve a fever, f*ck a cold…:d
Hope you’re feeling better soon. I can tell you what hungover feels like – it sucks! 🙂
Get well and feel better soon!