Believe it or not.. I am still alive


It’s been kind of nuts over the past 2 weeks, hence the lack of updates here. I’ve been getting ready for my 5-day trip to Austin, TX for the SXSWi Conference. I leave very very early on Friday morning and will be returning home on Tuesday evening. Much needed to be done before my departure, which leaves absolutely zero time for blogging, of course! I will be working from Austin during my down time (if any clients are reading this – no worries, please! Austin is wired and I’ll be hooked in) – and avail. by email, of course.

Most recently….

  • We adopted a green-cheeked, yellow winged Conure Parrot from our local Avian Rehab Center. We named her “Kiwi” and she’s adorable — I need to post pictures of her SOON!
  • We also moved a Military Macaw named “Ozzie” into our home. If you’ve been around this blog for any amount of time, you may know I’ve blogged about Ozzie in the past:

    Ozzie is the green one on the right. We moved Ozzie from his home at Chris’s mothers house in New York because Thor (the red one on the left) and Oz no longer got along and .. well, it’s a long story – let’s just say that Thor and Oz are doing a trial separation of sorts and Ozzie is now the newest member of our family.

  • Which means we have three birds now: Jinges (our lorikeet), Kiwi (the Conure) and Ozzie (the Macaw)
  • On a business note – things have been a little hectic. I’ve been working extremely hard to get caught up after having one of my (now former) designers kind of jump ship with zero notice – leaving 5 incomplete projects in their wake. This is another long story – and one of the cons of owning a multi-designer studio where I, as the owner, am in the position of placing my trust in someone else to get the job done. Hard and painful lessons learned, to be certain….but not impossible obstacles to overcome
  • I am attending SOBCon May 2-4th in Chicago, Il. Will I see you there?
  • WordPress For Dummies is on its THIRD reprint and I am about to enter into the writing of the second edition of the book in order to update it for upcoming changes in WordPress 2.5. Guess I didn’t get enough the first time, eh? Heh. Will post more about it at a later date when I have more details.
  • Planning a post for tomorrow on my SXSW plans. I have couple things lined up like a live radio interview, my presentation on the Adobe Day Stage (eek!) and book signing – – details tomorrow!

For now – I have a fair bit to do before I hop a jet on Friday morning. I’m not sure what makes me more nervous – – flying or public speaking. I’d say it’s a toss up!

6 thoughts on “Believe it or not.. I am still alive”

  1. I was reading some old posts on my blog, (from 2005) and I had linked to yours when I was talking about blog designs. You had a design that “reminded me of denim” from my comment about it back then. I hopped over to see what you’ve been up to since then. Busy!

    This post caught my eye because we used to have a Blue & Gold Macaw, and a Severe Macaw. At first glance I thought the Military might be a Severe.

    (» Read kacey’s last blog post..First Signs of Spring)

  2. Whats the conure like? My daughter wants a green cheeked conure, to go with her collection of budgies and cockatiels, and I’m wondering whether they are noisy, messy, high maintenance and all that sort of stuff.

    (» Read Ian’s last blog post..Punishment to fit crime)

  3. Lisa:

    Imagine my surprise, delight and absolute shock to learn that you will also be at SOBCON08! So am I!

    Just so that you know, I’m going to be the only male blogger there with a hearing impairment. In case you don’t recognize me via my photos at my blog/website, you won’t be able to miss me because I’ll be sitting by the interpreters throughout the entire conference.

    I am so excited to know you’ll be there too! I look forward to giving you a hug for such a great X Theme, which I’ve adopted for my blog. I’ve missed communicating with you via email and the comment section. I just left a comment over at the XTheme site with a couple of questions.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    (» Read Stephen Hopson’s last blog post..End of the Week Gratitude Theme #22)

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