I’m just relieved this week is over.
I lost four of my patients this week. I know it’s Hospice and all – but it still makes for a rough week. 4:30 pm today was a very welcome moment – -I’m not on call for the weekend, at all and am looking forward to the break.
On your way into your three day holiday weekend – don’t forget to stop for a moment and reflect to remember why you are free to enjoy these next three days. Stop for just a moment and say a silent word of thanks.
Went to the store tonight with the kids. They both were in need of summer clothes, new shoes and my daughter needed an outfit for her upcoming performance at the talent show. I spent $525.00 between the both of them. I need a strong, strong drink right about now.
Tomorrow we are going to pick up our new truck. We finally settled on the GMC Yukon XL. After weeks of shopping around. Chris dragged me to I don’t know how many car dealerships. We looked at the Suburban, the Ford Excursion, the Land Rover and the Yukon. This week, he finally made the decision. Now, before any of you wacky liberals start chastizing me for driving a gas guzzling SUV — think before you vomit out your typical MoveOn.Org rhetoric. The Yukon XL runs on either gas or Ethanol. Nice for us that there happens to be a local station that we didn’t know about – – that deals Ethanol. It’s about as expensive as gasoline – but we’re going to give it a try….so shut your yap.
Not too many plans for this long weekend…just relaxing is what is high on the priority list. Talis, our cat, has a vet appointment tomorrow morning to get an injection of sterioids – we found out earlier this week that he has asthma. After the vet — we’re picking up the truck then headed out to Home Depot to pick up a bagger for the riding lawn mower. After that we’re hoping the weather cooperates for a mile or soon our bikes.
Livin’ a wild life over here, can’t ya tell? 🙂
I hope Tails isn’t allergic to cats… Heh, heh… Drum roll, please?
Sorry to hear about your patients. Hope you have a relaxing holiday and have some Appletinis!