Yes, the manual for your DVD player is in the house somewhere.
No, you have no idea where to find it.
Luckily, has links to about 30 manufacturers’ sites with on-line versions of appliance manuals. You can also find links to 17 sites that explain how old things like microwave ovens and dryers work, as well as 61 tips that may help you avoid calling a repairman.
I only know this because we lost the manual for our all-in-one remote. I can’t be the only one who doesn’t put the manuals in a file folder and safely tuck it away into a fire-proof file cabinet, am I?
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I put my manuals in the ‘junk drawer’ and then when I get moody and in a throw everything out mood.. out they go.. heh
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An awesome resource…though I’m one of the geeks that file all manual (with receipts attached in case of issues) and put them in their own folder.
Wow… That’s a bit extreme, heh. I keep all my manual’s except when Rachel steals them and throws them out.