We’re having a grand ol’ time down here in the deep south! 🙂
No . . seriously!
After some pretty boring corporate meetings yesterday (ssshh..dont’ tell Chris I said ‘boring’ ) and a long, very interesting meeting with a Copyright and Trademark attorney – we headed back for the company Xmas party, which was a TON of fun. Back to the meeting with the attorney for a minute — Copyright and Trademark law is something that is interesting, once you start learning all the ins and outs of what is what. And, more importantly, what isn’t. There are some pretty common misconceptions out there – – very interesting stuff, maybe I’ll post about it more when I return. The meeting went well.. we accomplished much . . . and learned a lot in the process.
Last night at the party – me and the Appletini were best friends. Those things go down way too well and fast! We had a great time, great food and time well spent with some great people. Ever do a “White Elephant” gift exchange? We did that last night and it was a HOOT! I ended up with a Silver Glitter Lava Lamp lol – – at least now I know what I’m getting Reilly for Xmas! 😉
More later!
Don’t forget to vote!. You can vote once a day until the voting is over 🙂
A Silver Glitter Lava Lamp? lol
Don’t wanna hurt your feelings, Lisa – – but you can keep it! I know how long you’ve been wanting one of those to go with your decor and well now you have it – – it’s like a dream come true 😉
Mmm…appletinis. Haven’t had one of those since the last time we went to Rock Bottom. Waiting for my mom to bring over some peach schnapps so the wife and I can indulge in some fuzzy navels tonight.
Congrats on your nomination, by the way!
my boss is the legal counsel for our company and i had the ‘pleasure’ of helping her with a patent suit a year or so ago. it wasn’t my cup of tea at all, but i’d be interested to hear your take on it if you decide to blog about it.
now as for the appletini’s – definately my thing 😉 i was at a bar a few weeks ago and had what was called a ‘starburst’. it tasted exactly like a strawberry starburst and had an obscene amount of vodka in it. quite dangerous!
Hmmmm… patent law…. interesting…. err.. are you kidding me????? Ask him for a book on it, it will solve your insomnia problem!
Mmmmm. Rock Bottom. But back to Lisa’s posting, White Elephants are awesome! I finally got my Mom’s side to do it for Christmas a couple years ago. First year I ended up with a “Butt Box”. My cousin was starting his medical residency and smuggled out all sorts of things they removed from people’s butts. Thankfully each thing was in a baggie with a little caption. “Yellow Highlighter? I think all this saw was shit brown”. Yep. A whole shoebox full of things like that. 😆
Lovely….. I guess it answers the question “what do you get for the man that has everything”. My Ex wife was a radiographer and she had to x-ray people who had “fallen on something while naked” things included vibrators, still running, lightbulbs and most bizarrely a 2 quart bottle of bleach… each to their own I guess. As far as I know they didn’t save the objects for Christmas gifts.
It will come back to haunt him. He’s gotta get married sometime! 😈 The Big Box O Porn I gave went over great. For a moment I was afraid Grandma was going to get it! 😯 Who knows, maybe she’d end up with the popular room at the nursing home… 😕
So how do you top box of porn and box of anal objects for the next year? and just out of interest, what did Grandma get?
Don’t remember what she got, but we definitely had fun.
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