Patti was a BlogSpot user up until today! She took advantage of our Out Damn Spot special we have running through the end of the year. We migrated all of her BlogSpot posts into her new WordPress blog and wala! She has a great new place over at And Rightly So! – so you know the routine! Go on over and give her a big, warm welcome!
We’d also like to give a big welcome to Dana, of Note It Posts – – she transferred her hosting services over to us and is now our newest member of the Blogs About Buddies community.
Katrina at Athlone Associates also contacted me for a template for her BlogSpot blog. She wanted something simple and easy that matched her main, business website. She is in the business of horses – give her a visits at Thoroughbred Marketing: An Eye on the Industry. Her other blog at Thoroughbred Articles will be done up with the same template.
Yay, Lisa! Yay, Dana!
Um. . .do you give group discounts? *snicker*
xox Margi! We DO give a referral bonus to existing clients, though! $5 for every referral any of our clients make 😀
Very nice…You keep cranking out the most lovely designs, Lisa.~Cao
Thank you, Cao 😀
You just keep more artistic with your designs Lisa such great work you do and yes I am coming back for more of your designs. I still have not to this date truely found what I feel is the
true me design…I know one day it will happen-
Heya Vickie – thank you 🙂 Some day . . your design will come 🙂