28, again


Tomorrow is my birthday – – and yes, for those who wonder, I shall be 28, again.

Chris has been taunting me all week about my birthday present. The man won’t give a hint. Not even on solitary, tiny little hint for crying out loud. No matter how much I plead for one – nothing. So then I attempt to act all indifferent like I could care less what the thing is, much less about a hint…and he’ll taunt me even more!

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!

It’s ok, though. I have enough to keep me busy, and keep my mind occupied over the next 24 hours that I shouldn’t even think twice about the taunts! I have design work up to my eyebrows, plus I am on call for Hospice tonight. Friday nights on call for Hospice have, historically, been tremendously busy.

Again, I ask myself: Self, why did you agree to do this??

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13 thoughts on “28, again”

  1. “It’s ok, though. I have enough to keep me busy, and keep my mind occupied over the next 24 hours that I shouldn’t even think twice about the taunts!”- No you don’t. Who are you trying to kid? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!:smile:

  2. I’m sure glad that Reilly let us know about your birthday over on her blog so that I could have a little time to find our paddle… 😈

    28, huh? I guess somebody started counting backwards at 40. :mrgreen::razz:

  3. Came over from Uptown Girl as well. Hope you have a great 28ish birthday. This year was the 3rd time I turned 30. Helps me cope. Have a great one!

  4. I hope you have a wonderful day today, and I’m crossing my fingers that Chris blows you away with your b-day gifty!

    (I still have your ears. Smack me!)

    Happy Birthday!!


  5. Why do women feel compelled to lie about their age – surely it’s better for people to think that you look great for your age than bad for someone suposedly younger?
    Women. Strange creatures 😉

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